"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever." For me, that question isn't exactly easy to answer. Maybe I'm getting a little bit spoiled with the travel here, but I literally cannot remember all the places I have been. I keep trying to count the number of countries I have been to this year and come up with a different number each time. I feel like people have a strong distaste whenever I start answering their question for real. Umm...let's see. Do you really want to know?
"Last week I was in Orlando, the week before that Miami. Oh yeah, and before that I was in Mexico City. Before that, Milwaukee, the Nortwoods, Denmark, Sweden, Michigan, Cleveland, Arkansas, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Germany, France, Netherlands, England. I'm sure I'm missing some. Repeats aren't included."
Technically speaking, I have a home now. My keys are actually metal, not plastic credit-card look alikes.
Did I say that I'm back at it again, though? It's kind of up for debate whether or not I have actually stopped any of the travel. I am comforted by the fact that I can sleep in my own bed for 6 nights this week...pretty sure that's a record. I guess I shouldn't be too shocked that, although I moved into my apartment in July, I still haven't felt settled?
Well, anyways, Sunday I depart again. Surprising I haven't gotten an upgrade in any Frequent Flyer status yet? Worthless. This time, the route looks like: Cleveland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, maybe Finland, or skiing somewhere in the Alps...maybe Home Depot...I don't know. I don't know if I'll have enough time.
Back at it again. Or never really stopped?
Posted by
on Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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